Various Pictures pt.36

dashboard robots

taken by tim ershot

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well, i guess i should explain the format of this project: ideally, there would be three elements - rockem sockem
robots, sears tower, mardi gras beads. also it is required that the vehicle is moving when the shot is taken, unassisted
(no passengers), and furthermore looking thru the viewfinder is not permitted.
the power struggle between red and blue gained signifigance sometime after this series began...

this is the one from my 2003 christmas cards

christmas 2004 - peace on earth, good will to all

um... like i said, dashboard robots

my life is pretty boring


sears tower barely visible

not much to say...

um... well...

you have to use your imagination

how many dashboard robots does it take to cross the road?

the radio doesn't work, maybe that explains it

there are hundreds of these

ok, last one; from march '05, this is dedicated to entomologists everywhere

i can't stop; from april '05

i felt compelled to add this one because of the devil horns; from april '03

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